Sunday, April 18, 2010

Moab Adventure

Another late one...

One Friday night in February my friend Kyle decided that he wanted to go to Moab that night. This is the same Kyle that I did the one day trip to Yellowstone last year. He likes to do spontaneous trips. So I went home and took a quick nap and then Brian, Kyle, Shelley and I headed off into the night. The drive from Provo to Moab is only about 3 hours so we got there around 6 in the morning.

The most surprising thing for us was the weather. Before we left, Kyle checked the weather and it said 75. Turns out something had gone wrong with the website and it was actually snowing and cold. Luckily I had decided to wear my tennis shoes rather than my chacos.

Me... looking tired and not excited about the snow

The first place we went to was a hike to see Landscape arch. It was really pretty but really cold. Then we tried to hike to some others on that same trail but after hiking up a pretty scary drop off and then hitting snow that was up to our thighs we decided to turn back.

Brian and Landscape Arch

Me... about to go back down the scary drop off

We then went to Tunnel Arch. We thought it was pretty neat because we had literally walked right by it without even noticing because of the angle we were at. It made us think about how many arches there probably are that people don't notice. I was a little disappointed because I was hoping we would be able to walk through it...

Tunnel Arch... I couldn't find a picture of it that we took...

Luckily the next arch, Pine Tree Arch was able to remove this disappointment. It was one that you could walk right underneath. We had fun playing around the arch and admiring it. Then we headed back to the car and decided to go into town to warm up.

Pine Tree Arch. We weren't very good at taking pictures of ourselves....

After being in town for a bit we decided to make one last stop before heading back to Provo. Kyle knew about a place that had some Indian carvings into the wall. So we headed over there and got to look at them for a while. It was pretty insane because they were so high up off the ground. Its crazy to think how high the river used to be back in the day.

Me... looking at the writing

The writing was pretty cool looking

The drive home was pretty boring... I was supposed to be studying for my Chem test that next Monday. But I pretty much just napped and looked out the window. I'm glad I finally got to go look around Moab. I've driven through there many times but never stopped. It is definitely one of the coolest places I've ever seen.

1 comment:

AZ Mikesells said...

Finally some pictures of you from this semester! Dad loves that place.