Friday, May 14, 2010


Yay! I finally graduated from BYU with my BS in Exercise Science!

I ditched the big speaker part because I was still in final recovery mode (my last final was the night before at 8) and my mother and Mikesell Grandparents were in town... so I just hung out with them that day. Then that night my father, Aunt Lori and Grandma Jan showed up for the College of Life Sciences Commencement that was at 8am the next morning. Yup... the earliest time for graduation that day. Lame.

Moving out with Grandpa

So I ended up waking up around 6 that next morning because the Grads were supposed to be there at 7:15 to check in. Turns out if I hadn't showed up until 7:45 I would have been fine. We just stood around doing nothing until that time.

But I'm glad I didn't spend too much time getting ready because it was raining.

We had to sit with our college in alphabetical order which I was a bit sad about because I would have preferred to sit by my friends. I would have been less bored. My only entertainment was being excited to walk across the stage and then I texted Brian the rest of the time. I pretty much just stopped paying attention when I sat back down.

Having my name called

On the Stage (the next guy I shook hands with was a professor who annoyed me more than any other professor...)

After the Graduation

When it was finally over I was so excited but then had to deal with the mad rush to take pictures. There were only a few spots that blocked the rain so everyone was crowding them. I just ran out to the grass and we took pictures in the rain.

First I took some with Brian because he had to rush off to the track meet.

Then the Mikesell Grandparents

Then Grandma Jan and Aunt Lori

Then finally my parents. (we took one with both of them together... but my mom must not have liked it because she didn't put it on facebook)

Oh and I have to give my sister Megan a shout out for buying my dress! :-) It scandalized my Grandma Danice cuz it was short (I was supposed to fix it but didn't have time) but I LOVED it anyway!

After pictures we checked everyone out of their hotels we headed to Applebees. We had my lovely graduation lunch there. After we sent the Mikesell Grandparents and my dad off to play in Logan and then the rest of us went to take more pictures. Goody.

Here are some highlights.

With my Sky View Apartment

My Pink Scooter

Brigham Young Statue

My main building on campus

This is where I studied 98% of the time (Brian's office)

My place of work

Library Jump (Take # 1,999)

One of the many BYU signs

I am pointing at the "Y"

And last not not least....
With Grandpa Bud who was feeling too sick to make the drive down. I don't blame him.... I didn't really want to be there anyway. Thanks Grandpa for helping me so much!!!


Kylie said...

Congrats Kenna! Landon's was at 8am too, I thought it was totally lame. And he would barely let me take ANY pictures...what a dork. Are you staying in Utah?

AZ Mikesells said...

I'm impressed your got your graduation blogged before I did. I blame Seth!