Friday, October 1, 2010

Confessions of a Cat Hoarder

It's official... Someone needs to buy me 10 cats to celebrate. I have officially condemned myself to spinster hood. I have developed amazing amounts of aniexty in dating. This intense aniexty occurs no matter how amazing the guy is that I'm hanging out with. So I end up either pushin them away, scaring them off or a combination of both... Party hardy. Luckily for me I really like cats. :-)

So here's hoping I don't turn into a cat hoarder. :-)


AZ Mikesells said...

Now I know which daughter to name in our will as our cats' guardian:))

Aubrey said...

Kenna, I totally love you! Don't worry, you could never be a cat hoarder, 'cause cats are terrible pets! Dogs, maybe. :) No, you just have to give yourself time to get used to the idea of dating other (and better!) guys. There are some great ones out there. Keep trying!

Jenay said...

Hey I've got a cat lady living next door (I'm talking like 30 cats) and she seems very content. Of course, it's hard to tell her from the cats sometimes due to all the cat hair all over her and the way she smells. Holy cow I'm so mean. Hey, I'm coming down there for Thanksgiving. Will you be in town then?