Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Alice in Wonderland and my life

So I wasn't really planning on watching the new version of Alice in Wonderland. Too be honest the movie always freaked me out as a child and the commercials for the new one kind of freaked me out as well. :-)

But today.... in my sheer absolute boredness from being stuck sick in a house for so long... I decided to venture out to a redbox. I tried to rent Flicka 2 but it was out. So I went for Alice in Wonderland.

It was nice watching a movie with zero expectation except thinking I already knew the storyline. Boy was I wrong! I think the 2nd visit twist that the director put into it was very unique. I was not expecting that at all. (I think it would be cool if they actually remade the original one with these characters) So I pretty much enjoyed myself throughout the whole movie.

A theme I really liked from the movie was the finding of who Alice really was. The mad hatter told her that she had lost her "muchness" and she was determined to get that back. You get to see her transition from the girl at the beginning of the movie (who was contemplating marrying a doofy young man because she was getting "old" and he was rich) to the heroine of Wonderland who in her real world tells the doofy boy "no" and becomes a world traveler.

Before the movie was over I was hoping that her story would end with her falling in love with an awesome guy... but I think her sailing off on an adventure is an even better idea. After all she is only 20! I think more BYU girls need to watch this movie, haha! In the movie it does say she will find a man she loves to marry... but who says she can't have some fun first? ;-)

This theme probably just stuck with me because in the next few days I get to make a pretty big decision... to go to Peru or to stay in Provo. It pretty much all comes down to whether I got this job I interviewed for last week. If I don't get the job I am going to hopefully go down to Peru and work as an intern in a LDS medical clinic. If I get the job I will be working with people with various mental disorders to live a better more fulfilling life. Which will give me some money to go on adventures a little closer to home.

Both decisions are pretty crazy... I know Provo doesn't seem pretty crazy but I've decided I need to force myself back out into the dating scene. So after about 3+ years of being dead set on becoming a Texas housewife, I am changing my outlook. I doubt any of the boys that I will dating will ever read these but on the off chance that they do I would like to give some hints... PLAY A LITTLE HARD TO GET!!!! :-) I can't handle all the boys that are just falling over me after two dates, gag.

Anyways.... that was a bit off topic and I am on cough medicine. But there is a song on the Alice in Wonderland sound track that I LOVE LOVE LOVE. It is going to be my new theme song.

Here is it. Listen to the excellence. :-)


Megan and Jonny said...

I loved that line about her 'muchness', too.

It sounds like either way you're going to be doing awesome things. I think you're really going to enjoy your work (and you're going to be dang good at it, too).

I also have a feeling that stupid Texas boy will want you back once you've moved on. The question is, will you want HIM back? (No comment from me.)

Good luck with whatever you end up doing!

PS--Don't diss those 20 year old married girls TOO much: it worked out really well for some of us ;)

Kylie said...

Wow, good luck deciding! If you end up going to Peru, give us a call. Landon served his mission there, he probably has lots of good tips for you. And if you stay here, call us anyway so we can hang out with you!

AZ Mikesells said...

Obviously I need to watch Alice in Wonderland! Not a big fan of the old one, although we own it...

AZ Mikesells said...

We watched the new Alice in Wonderland for our "family movie" on Sunday. Dad was NOT thrilled with the idea, but we liked it - really liked it. AND I understand the "MUCHNESS" now :)